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My Love

with  your arrival my life, i received pleasing shadow in the scorching sunlight

the more I indulge in your love the newer I became
 oh how sweet and magical is this smile of yours
smile that makes my heart flutter with joy
your divine presence fills each cell of my body with greatest happiness and  causes  my  soul to dance out of joy just like a winter rose in full bloom
the scars of worries and sorrows  disappears the moment I see your angel face, the stars shine in my eyes like golden fireflies glitter in night.
I wish you never disappear from my sight.
because in my darkest hours you are my light
ray of sunshine that shines so bright.
someone who makes me feel safe
you are my  knight
never in my most wildest dreams I imagined heavenly father would shower so much grace on me and send you to me but seems like
the  impossible had to happen,   dust  has turned into gold life has become joyful and worthwhile
the happiness that we have achieved, the season of unconditional love  that has come in full swing.
I pray in my heart
May this love keep prospering..
I can go on and on writing millions of stories  yet nothing will ever be able to   describe your infinite glory

so I will just say
Dearest Angel of mine i  love you infinitely.


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