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Kissed by moon

Have you ever wondered what stirs the ocean waves To a tempestuous frenzy on the night of the full moon? Listen close, and you might hear the voice of an enchanted mermaid Her angel wings aglow, singing words of love in a lilting tune.

Once lost in darkness, her life devoid of hope An angel appeared, the full moon his earthly guise Since then, everything she sees, dreams, and does Is brighter, more beautiful, and full of meaning in her eyes.

His reflection resides deep within her very soul Their bond of divinity, a treasure of true love For decades and ages, she's loved him with a passion untold But he may never know just how much he's thought of.

She's a playful river flowing free in nature's embrace He's the magnetic moon, gleaming blissfully in the darkened sky In a moment captivated by her breathtaking grace He surrendered to her completely, without even a try.

Let the stars laugh if they will, but a time will come soon When the mermaid and her moon will dance in each other's arms The heavens will be witness to their love, as they're kissed by the moon This enchanted mermaid and her magical charm.


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