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My valentine

My journey began one morning, when the cold breeze of love Swiftly opened my window, making the golden beams of sunrise Caress my cheeks with tenderness. A soft smile danced on my lips As a sight of bloomed red rose caught my eye, and the jolly beat Of my heart whispered something sweet in my ear. Closing my eyes, I slowly leaned in, taking a deep breath, letting the sweet rose fragrance Thrill my senses. It was as if I was getting carried away by the magnetic aura Of your charming presence.

My hand slowly reached out, but made me wince in pain As thorns pierced my fingers. Maybe it was just their way of warning me That the path of true love can never be easy. But that wouldn't stop me From proposing to my beloved king. For just like this rose, Being the jewel of this winter, you are the one who made my lonely life Beautiful. And though I may not be good enough, I could never stop Loving you.

I looked around, watching how the warm sunny day Was now turning into a beautiful yet snowy evening. But I couldn't stop Thinking of you. While taking a sip of my mug of hot chocolate, I couldn't help but sigh feeling blessed for the sweetness of your love That has made my life worthwhile.

The lovely evening now turned into a precious night, Shimmering blissfully in the magical moonlight. Cuddling my teddy, I lay on the bed, but still couldn't stop thinking of you. A cheerful giggle escaped my lips as I imagined how adorable And cute you would be if you ever became a bit chubby, just like my teddy. Gazing at the moon, I give you the promise of my love. Only you will forever be the king of my heart, and the mate of my soul. For it is only you who, without even touching, embraces and nourishes My soul.

Again I looked up at the sky, quickly than quickly closed my eyes Wishing upon the stars, praying to see you just one more time. So I could go down on my knees and softly kiss those glorious feet of yours, The feet that have created the magic of the moonwalk And a breathtaking illusion of dancing.

Then, as if by some miracle or the heavens above had made my dream come true, Out of the blue, I found myself dancing on clouds with you! I couldn't help but wrap my arms around you, as tears welled up in my eyes, My lips parted to tell you how truly in love I am, and how much I dearly miss you. But there I was, just speechless, as you were ever so near, Brushing away my tears, whispering in my ear:

"Things don't always turn out the way we want them to, So while I'm away, I want you to remember how much I love you. I love you! I love you! I love you!"

And before I could find my voice to answer, you just disappeared. As I felt a splash of cold water hit my face, my mother dear trying to wake me, Gasping in surprise, a bright blush appeared on my cheeks as I realized It was nothing but a sweet dream. But before I could hide my embarrassment, Again, I found you by my bedside, looking at me with a mischievous grin, Letting me know that whether as a magical fantasy of my dreams Or the truthful reality of my life, you'll always be there with me.

Happy Valentine's Day, angel 


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