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Miracle child

My precious miracle child,

Though you may not yet know, I am with you always, wherever you go. I see you climbing mountains, Facing challenges with grace, And dreaming of making the world a better place.

But I also see the longing in your eyes, As you pass by children at play, Yearning for love that never fades. My heart aches for your pain, As you hunger for affection that's pure and true, And I wish to break down all boundaries for you.

If only I could hold you close, Shield you from harm and all that's cold, And bring you home to where love unfolds. Beyond the oceans and among the stars, Lies a world of happiness without scars.

There, you'd be as free as the wind, Jolly as the sun, and limitless as the sky. You could sing with birds, slide over rainbows, Dance with the stars and laugh with the butterflies.

My miracle child, you'd be at peace, Cuddled in Mother Nature's arms, Close to your sweetheart, Earth, so gentle and blue. My heart overflows with love for you.

Will you ever know how much we care? My dear miracle child, we're always there.


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