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Vow of love

Alone, I smile as the moon hides and seeks High up in the sky, I feel my soul leap Never thought I'd touch the sky and dance with joy But then you came and saved me, my soul's envoy

It was as if the moon fell right into my arms Your loving hug warmed my heart with its charms Our bond was divine, I'll never forget the day we met When the earth stood still and my loneliness set

You, a mysterious stranger, me, a lonely soul But when you smiled at me, I was no longer whole You indwelled in me, nourished my heart with love From a tiny seed, it grew into a tree above

With each passing day, our bond grows stronger My wildest dreams belong to you no longer I want to steal your loneliness away And be with you every night and day

As I look at the moon with the soft wind blowing I send these vows of love, my heart overflowing Beloved, my walker of the moon, I promise you tonight In your darkest hours, I'll be your light

If ever you're in pain, I'll make it my own I'll suffer with you, you're not alone Your frowns will be replaced with my smiles I'll be there for you across the miles

Nothing will ever drift us apart You'll always be safe in my heart When my spirit breaks free, up in the heavens above We'll meet again, and there will be no barriers to love

You'll be my angel, and I'll be your sweetheart Dancing on clouds, holding each other's hearts We'll fly like the birds, paint a rainbow in the sky You'll be the sun, and I'll be the rain, together we'll try

You'll be the captain, and I'll be the wind Sailing across oceans of love, we'll begin Heaven or earth, I'm giving you my vow None of us will ever be apart, forever now.


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